
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Alberta PA Awareness Day EVENT = CANCELLED

I am sorry to announce that due to a lack of volunteer resources and my inability to secure a suitable venue - that I must CANCEL our planned PAAD Event in Edmonton on Sat April 25, 2009. (I was rather surprised that the West Edmonton Mall turned down my request - considering how modest and how they seem to be quite keen to allow other activities like the recent "Hair Massacre" head-dye/shave for Cancer.   Being declined for Law Day at the Law Court on April 18 was less surprising but I thought rather cowardly.)  

I am sorry to have to admit defeat but perhaps others will be better able to suceed where I have not.  By all means, let me know if I can do  anything to assist.    I have made a few contacts and may be able to supply some useful info or resources. 


Christopher JONES

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