
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Equal Parenting as an Election Issue?

I believe that the presumption of "Equal Parenting" - as proposed in 
PMM-483 - is a necessary condition to gaining some redress on PA 
issues in Divorce.   Without such a presumption in high conflict 
divorces, courts play "favourites" and extinguish one parents rights 
in favour of the other perpetuating a "winner takes all" solution. 
High conflict divorce is synonymous with Parental Alienation. 

With an election declared, PMM-483 will die. 

I suggest that parents who believe PA is an important Family Law issue 
press their local candidates to indicate their position on an "Equal 
Parenting" amendments to the Divorce Act. 

This fellow in Quebec is hoping to run on this issue. 

[transcribed from original Google Groups website on May 26, 2014]

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