
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Without knowing it - an Alienation story

I saw this short article in Psych Today at the library recently (not available online) and thought it a touching account of PA "from the past" (1960's?) well before the term was coined.  It is also notable that it is included in a collection of articles called "Blended" about the challenges and issues involved with Blended families - something anyone who has been divorced/re-coupled/step-parenting can relate to.
"Keep your father a secret" was the code I lived by fearing that the truth would make me an outcast. 
I wanted to be the fatherless daughter my mother desired.   But what if your beloved mother hates the man you came from? 
After my mother died I received a chilly email from my sister informing me that our mother had decided not to divide her estate equally, but instead leave the bulk of it to my sister and brother. 
"You have a father" was the explanation. 
                  Excerpts from "The Proof" by Gigi Rosenberg 

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