Monday, December 20, 2010
Year-end Donations Appeal
PAAO really needs your help and financial support.
We have greatly improved the level of general public awareness, but within the professional community there is still alot of demand for understanding how to deal with PA. The PAAO Board and Advisory Committee members are determined to refocus attention on participating at as many major professional conferences and meetings as possible over the next 6 mths BUT we have reached that critical point. (I couldn't resist this ancient cover from National Lampoon magazine in 1973.)
I should also mention that as PAAO is a registered charity in both Canada and the US - some of you who work internationally may have an added incentive. Albertans should be aware that we have one of the most generous (combined Fed+Prov) Charitable Tax Credit's in the country that amounts to 50% above $200.
To make a direct donation with your Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX or Discover) or through your PayPal account, just click on the tab above called "Donate" - or just click here.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Good Karma Divorce
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Update from AACAP Conference in New York City - Oct 24-29
[We are asking all PAAO Supporters for their help in covering the US$5,000 we have budgeted for this exhibition space and associated promotional materials. Each conference attendee received our regular brochure and some extra material about PAAO. Our two board members who attended, setup, staffed the display and "spread the word" all paid their own conference expenses including travel, lodging and incidentals. I am going to boldly suggest a very generous donation of $100 per PAAO supporter. (But of course, everyone must decide what they can afford.) As PAAO runs such a tight ship unless we recoup this expense, we will not be able to fund any other upcoming events. All are important in gaining acceptance of PAD for DSM-V. And remember, PAAO qualifies for a charitable tax receipt in either Canada and the US, where ever the donor is resident.]
Here is Robert's dispatch:
Hello all,
From rainy New York I can report the following from the AACAP conference.
After a tiring day of both delayed travel, and heavy setup on Tuesday,
Jill and I met back at the exhibit hall this morning. We seemed to be
talking to at least 1 person interested in PA issues throughout the
entire day. We were helped enormously by Michael Jeffries, who is an
extremely articulate advocate.
We a small portion of the 4700 delegates at the conference, and they
came from all points in N. America as well as the UK, Sweden,
Portugal, Spain, Brazil, France, Peru, Costa Rica, (and I may have
missed a country or 2).
Of those that spoke with us, most were aware of the issue, and a few
were happy to learn there is a name to what they have been seeing.
Many also expressed a real joy in seeing that we were even on the list
of exhibitors. That gives me a tremendous confidence in knowing that
we have done a great deal of good by even just showing up.
I'm sending you a picture of Jill, Michael and me speaking to 1 of the
many who came by to hear about what we do.
I'll try and send more of an update tomorrow.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Psychiatric experts assess parental alienation
By DAVID CRARYOct 1, 2010
AP National Writer
NEW YORK (AP) -- The American Psychiatric Association has a hot potato on its hands as it updates its catalog of mental disorders - whether to include parental alienation, a disputed term conveying how a child's relationship with one estranged parent can be poisoned by the other.
"We're gotten an enormous amount of mail - more than any other issue," said Dr. Darrel Regier, vice chair of the task force drafting the manual. "The passions on both sides of this are exceptional."
"There is not sufficient scientific evidence to warrant its inclusion in the DSM," Regier said in a statement.
In an interview, Regier - who directs the APA's research division - said the proposal technically remains alive pending final presentations by the end of 2011. But he described chances for inclusion of parental alienation as "slim" - given that it has not been selected for field trials that normally would be a prerequisite for official recognition.
Meier, the George Washington law professor, has urged judges to be cautious in how they allow the topic to be raised in cases where one estranged parent is accused by the other of abuse.She said the initial impetus for recognition of parental alienation syndrome came in large part from the fathers' rights movement, but suggested much of the momentum now comes from psychologists, consultants and others who could profit if the concept had a more formal status in family court disputes."It's monetary," Kates said. "These psychologists and therapists make huge money doing the evaluations and therapies."
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Upcoming Events/Conferences
Sat Oct 2 + Sun Oct 3, 2010 CPAS Conference, Mt. Sinai Medical Center NYC
Oct 28-30, 2010 AFCC's Ninth Symposium on Child Custody Evaluations, Cambridge/Boston MA.
Fri Nov 12 - Sun Nov 14, 2010 CEPC Conference - KEEP (Kids Expect Equal Parenting) Toronto ON
Friday, August 27, 2010
Feb 25, 2011 - Richard WARSHAK in Calgary AB
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Dr. Demosthenes Lorandos - PA Legal Intrepretation Expert
Here is the introduction of his talk at the 2009 PAS Symposium in Toronto.
(Here is his YouTube Account - of particular note is Part 4 that deals with his arguments in favour of determining the "Scientific Validity" of PA within the Court Room.)
Do qualitative methods and PAS meet the Daubert criteria? You know, whats considered to be science? Well what are they? Testability, falsifiability, error rates, peer review, general acceptance, validity, reliability.
Well, whats testability? Its proof by disproof. Can we test ideas about parental alienation? Yeah, sure we can. PAS is certainly testable. Gardner described eight factors, we can test whether they exist or not. In fact Bricklin and Elliot are trying to develop inventories that have some inter-rater reliability and some test-retest reliability that can be used in family conflict circumstances. They can certainly test whether those are accurate or not. They can test whether or not they speak to a phenomenon of interest accurately or not. They can test whether or not inter-raters or test-retests find them to be reliable or not.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
New PAAO President - Jill Egizii
(Part 2 of this impassioned address is here)
Address to DC Rally Fest 2010 for Family Rights - U.S. Capitol - West Lawn, Wash., D.C.
Jill Egizii, Author of "The Look of Love" and Illinois alderman in Leland Grove, Illinois
Plight of Rejected Parents - Welcome Back, Pluto DVD Chapter 6
From Dr. Richard Warshak - author of "Divorce Poison". You can find out more about this DVD and place an order at:
Saturday, August 7, 2010
New Directors
For more info go to
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Canadian Bar Association opposes Bill C422
Here was the press release.
On the first anniversary of C-422 passing First Reading, The Canadian Bar Association( CBA) has made a submission to the Justice and Human Rights Committee(JUST) regarding C-422(Equal Parenting) prepared by the Family Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA).
- taking the focus away from children in favour of parental rights
- detracting from the individual justice required by the Divorce Act and,
- promoting further and more fractious litigation.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Rubin vs Lippe PAS case grabs attention
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
PA is a VERY controversial topic.
Leading Opponent of Recognizing Parental Alienation Apologizes to Fathers & Families for Defamatory Remarks.
May 24th, 2010 by Glenn Sacks, MA, Executive Director
Clinical Psychiatry News board member Dr. Paul J. Fink makes a shockingly irresponsible assertion in his recent column. He writes that family court reform groups seeking to have parental alienation disorder seriously considered for inclusion in the DSM-5 are doing so because they “don’t like to be interfered with when they are sexually abusing their children”…
May 25 is National Missing Children's Day in the US
Today is National Missing Children's Day in the US
Today marks the 28th annual National Missing Children's Day. First proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan and observed by each administration since, National Missing Children’s Day serves as a reminder to the nation about the importance of child safety and remembering children who are still missing.
May 25th marks the anniversary of the day when 6-year-old Etan Patz disappeared from a New York street corner on his way to school. Etan's story captivated the nation. His photo, taken by his father, a professional photographer, appeared in media across the nation and around the world. As a result, Etan became the poster-child for a movement and his photo came to symbolize the anguish and trauma of thousands of searching families.
For three decades, the search for Etan has continued. Just as that day when President Reagan proclaimed the first National Missing Children's Day, Etan is still missing. The widespread attention brought to his case and others eventually led to a nationwide commitment to help locate and recover missing children.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) honors this commitment by reminding parents, guardians, and others to make child safety a national priority and encourages them to participate in the Take 25 campaign.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I, Psychopath
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Amy Baker describes the difference between PA and PAS + what TP should do.
Dr. Amy J.L. Baker speaks about PAS from Amy Baker on Vimeo.
Here are some of the points I thought valid:
- PA are the strategies or behaviors that 1 parent uses to try to turn a child against the other parent.
- PAS is the term that describes a child who has succumbed to the pressure, has been manipulated to believe that that other parent is unworthy and should be cut out of his/her life.
- Vastly understudied area.
- PA targeted parents want to know - will I ever get my child back, they have rejected me, I haven't seen my child, what is this doing to him/her, what can I do to speed up the process to get them back?
- Baker says PA targets need to be proactive to stop PA before it gets bad by studying the 17 strategies she has identified. If they see them occurring they must document the incidents and engage a lawyer who recognizes this condition and understands that it can happen.
- Baker also suggests that parents help protect their children by teaching them critical thinking skills so the kids can't be manipulated.
- Is it as simple as both parents not speaking pejoratively of the other parent?
- Not exactly. Baker says these cases are so hopeless that the AP can't stop doing this. They want SO MUCH to punish the other parent and are so convinced they are right that even telling them this behaviour is abuse with major repercussions to their child - they will not stop.
- So Baker advises teaching the TP how to protect their relationship with their child.
- Baker found the long-term effects on PAS children were the same as people who were in a cult. Thought reform, emotional manipulation, control of the environment - are the same things cult leaders use.
- How do "victim parents" deal with a PA? 1) don't take the bait - be empathic with your child "you think I did that? - that must really hurt" - don't run upstairs and get the bank statements to disprove it. Be empathic, safe, loving and available to them - DO NOT fight with your kid about all those accusations, all the time.
- In a separate interview about the return of Sean Goldman of NJ - an 8yr old boy who was returned to his dad in Dec 2009 after being abducted by his mother to Brazil - Baker also suggests that TP can never "give up" on their children. The damage is that they begin to believe one parent doesn't want them, but even if the say otherwise - they desperately want that parent to fight for the right to be their parent. "Giving up" breaks that faith - and when confronted by the campaign of denigration by the AP, the child can surrender to it.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Excellent Resource
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Edmonton PAAD also a success!
Many thanks to Chris (Theroux), Jimmy, Renata, Wes, Jerry, Lisa, Johnny and others from ECMAS for their support and help. We could not have done without all of you.
A great and busy day to help raise awareness about PAS. It was very rewarding as many parents and even grandparents were so thankful to have help and direction on what they could do to try counter the problems of being alienated from their children ad grandchildren. Rhonda was also so pleased to have her ex-mother-in-law and two sons stop in to show their support.
See everyone next year at the same place on April 23. If you wish to help or contribute in any way let us know.
Rhonda Pisanello - Alberta PAAO & Panda Abuzz "Spokesperson"
Here are some photo's of the event:
From 2010 Edmonton |
From 2010 Edmonton |
Friday, April 30, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Calgary PAAD Event a great success!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Calgary PAAD set - Crossroads Market, 1235 - 26 Avenue SE
We shall have a table inside displaying information about PA (books, DVD's and resources) and will hand be handing out the PAAO pamphlet.
See you there!
(Here are some posters -#1 and #2 -to print and help promote the Event by posting somewhere.)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Edmonton set to go - Calgary PAAD Event is taking shape
Saturday, March 27, 2010
PAS Case File - Saskatchewan 2008
Friday, February 26, 2010
Action Alert: Write to APA to endorse including PAS in DSM-V
International Abduction: Chasing the Cyclone by Peter THOMAS
Chasing Parents: Racing Into the Storms of International Parental Child Abduction' - What The World Needs To Know About International Parental Child Abduction.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Lucy WARNER - A true story of parental separation and a lost childhood

It is a touching story and again puts a personal face on the fallout from PAS.
Below is a brief excerpt of the intro, but to read the whole story you must go to the Real Fathers 4 Justice UK Blog.
26 January 2010: A true story of parental separation and a lost childhood
From as far back as I can remember, family meant the world to me. I had an older half brother (from my mother), a twin sister, a baby brother and the two most important people in my world, my mum and dad.
I was as normal as any excitable little girl. As I grew up I realized not all mums and dads lived together. I was lucky mine did, not that it seemed to make much difference to my friends because many saw both parents despite being separated or divorced.
When I turned 12 my life changed, not because I was suddenly a teenager but because my mother had been diagnosed with terminal breast cancer.
Harsh as the situation was we tried to push through as a family.
Six months later my father left the family home.
He later said, “It was one of the worst times to leave”.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tough Love from Texas
Tough love from Texas
February 9, 2010Susan Pigg - LIVING REPORTERWhen Richard Warshak whisked into Toronto last week from his native Texas, he brought along some tough-love advice for both divorcing parents and family court judges.
"Love your kids more than you hate your ex-spouse," the renowned expert on parental alienation said.
Be firm and fast at pushing toxic custody cases through the clogged courts, he advised judges attending a day-long seminar at the Four Seasons Hotel.
- Runs a PAS deprogramming service called "Family Bridges".
- Of the 23 kids he's personally helped reconnect with an alienated parent since 2005, 18 still maintain a relationship with both parents. Eight of those 23 children came from Canada.
- This spring he's coming out with a new, self-help DVD (Welcome Back Pluto, which he hopes to sell on his website for $19.95 U.S.) for parents struggling to reconnect with kids who've been poisoned against them.
- Warshak has been training two Ontario psychologists to run the program in Canada and says a third is due to join him soon.
- "We find that most children under the age of 8 don't really need this kind of program to make the transition."
Sunday, January 31, 2010
PAAD 2010 Volunteers Needed - Sat April 24
We are looking for volunteers to initiate a PAAD Event in Alberta community's or join one nearby. An event can be as simple or as complicated as you want (and your budget allows - as we have no funding, but we accept contributions). Our objective is to educate the general public about PA but how you do that is up to you.
Last year wasn't fancy. We set-up a display table with a PAAO Banner, various PAS reference, books, had some DVD's on the laptop and began handing out (b&w photocopied) PAAO pamphlets at Edmonton's Old Strathcona Farmers Market near Whyte Ave. Alot of people welcomed the opportunity to learn about PAS. It is an issue that many struggle to understand.
Since that event we have soldiered on gathering supporters across the province. They include many targeted parents, some "stranded" grandparents, adult "survivors" of PAS, Second Wives and others. Let's take advantage of recent Parliamentary action on C422 to focus attention on PAS and PA behaviours.
By concentrating our message about PAS for ONE DAY GLOBALLY we hope to breach the wall of official indifference about such child abuse.
To volunteer, please sign-in using this form. Our success depends on having "slack" resources as not every community can support an Event. Since your candour will not be ruthlessly exploited please be generous with your intentions. We hope to have Event Leaders/ Locations
after Feb 27 and updates will be emailed as required. Non-Alberta volunteers can check for other Events at
Christopher JONES
Team Leader - Alberta
E albertapaao [at]
Online Webminars by PAAO
PAAO (The Parental Alienation Awareness Organization) is proud to sponsor a series of webinars. Please fill out the information below in order to register. (To participate all you need is your web browser and your computer speakers.)
Dates: February 8, 9 & 10, 2010
Where: On the Internet!
Cost: $10/webinar
$50 for all webinars.
(Members get a discount - $40 for all webinars for Gold Members. Refunded $10 once you sign up.
February 8, 2010
1 PM - 2:30 PM EST - Dr. Reena Sommer - Custody Battle First Aid Kit
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM EST - Jeff Parks - TBD
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST - Dr. Michael Bone
<> - Dealing with Parental Alienation; Remedies and Treatments
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST - Dr. Ken Lewis - TBD
3:30 AM - 5:00 PM EST - Charlie Asher
<> - Draining the Swamps: Reducing the
Parent Thoughts and Legal Processes that Nourish Parental Alienation
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EST - Brian Ludmer - Legal perspectives on Parental Alienation
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST - Dr. Jayne Major - The Pathology of an Alienator
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Grandparents Requesting Access and Dignity (GRAND) Society
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Fictional Portrayal of PAS in "The Look of Love"
"The Look of Love" by Jill Egizii