
Friday, May 7, 2010

Excellent Resource

Rhonda and Lou Anne passed on their discussions about this new blog - entitled Parental Alienation Disorder (aka PAD*) by Monica Logan , a social worker in the State of Texas Social Services - and I am very impressed with it!

In particular she provided a very thoughtful letter to the Committee Reviewing DSTM-V about including PAD* in the new diagnostic manual (we have been on this for some time, encouraging everyone to write in to advocate it's inclusion).

* PAD = Parental Alienation "Disorder" is the NEW description that "downsizes" the psychological parameters of Parental Alienation "Syndrome" (PAS) to a lesser pathology consistent with others like Borderline Personality Disorder. PAS has been criticised because it does not manifest itself in specific actions or beliefs, and more accurately it only really describes the agent rather than the effected child or "subject". PAD is broader in referring to a spectrum of behaviours and more inclusive by the co-effects on subjects - children and targeted parents. It also appears this will be the new acronym to replace what we had been referring to as PAS (or PAB "Parental Alienation Behaviour").

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