It is a touching story and again puts a personal face on the fallout from PAS.
Below is a brief excerpt of the intro, but to read the whole story you must go to the Real Fathers 4 Justice UK Blog.
26 January 2010: A true story of parental separation and a lost childhood
From as far back as I can remember, family meant the world to me. I had an older half brother (from my mother), a twin sister, a baby brother and the two most important people in my world, my mum and dad.
I was as normal as any excitable little girl. As I grew up I realized not all mums and dads lived together. I was lucky mine did, not that it seemed to make much difference to my friends because many saw both parents despite being separated or divorced.
When I turned 12 my life changed, not because I was suddenly a teenager but because my mother had been diagnosed with terminal breast cancer.
Harsh as the situation was we tried to push through as a family.
Six months later my father left the family home.
He later said, “It was one of the worst times to leave”.
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