
Friday, February 26, 2010

Action Alert: Write to APA to endorse including PAS in DSM-V

I received the following email request from Dr. Amy BAKER - the author and researcher of the well-received book about PAS entitled:

Wed Feb 24, 2010


I hope that this e-mail finds you well. I am inviting you to consider writing a letter to the committee that will decide whether to include parental alienation in the American Psychiatric Association’s manual of mental disorders (DSM). The manual has not been updated in 20 years and may not be updated again for another 20 years.

A formal proposal presenting the research and clinical evidence for parental alienation has been submitted and is being considered by a working group. Letters from parents and other individuals personally or professionally affected by PAS can help persuade this group to take seriously this devastating problem affecting families today.

If you are interested, go the link below, *register, and write your letter.

Best Regards,

Amy J.L. Baker, Ph.D.

p.s *This is rather tedious but necessary. They need your full address and will confirm registration email address before allowing you to comment. I suggest a CLEAR endorsement of including PAS in the DSM-V, then an explanation and/or personal anecdote or experience that supports your position (of course only if you feel comfortable so doing).

International Abduction: Chasing the Cyclone by Peter THOMAS

Peter Thomas Senese went through the terrifying experience of having his son abducted by his ex-spouse and taken via Canada to New Zealand. In the process of winning his son back, he decided to write about his experience for the benefit of others. His book was entitled "Chasing the Cyclone" and he has now created a documentary.

Chasing Parents: Racing Into the Storms of International Parental Child Abduction' - What The World Needs To Know About International Parental Child Abduction.

(To find out more got to

Monday, February 22, 2010

Lucy WARNER - A true story of parental separation and a lost childhood

Lucy WARNER contacted Real Fathers 4 Justice UK to offer her support to their campaign after years of alienation by her mum. After her mother passed away Lucy was eventually reconciled with her father, however they cannot replace the precious years that have been lost forever.

It is a touching story and again puts a personal face on the fallout from PAS.

Below is a brief excerpt of the intro, but to read the whole story you must go to the Real Fathers 4 Justice UK Blog.

26 January 2010: A true story of parental separation and a lost childhood

From as far back as I can remember, family meant the world to me. I had an older half brother (from my mother), a twin sister, a baby brother and the two most important people in my world, my mum and dad.

I was as normal as any excitable little girl. As I grew up I realized not all mums and dads lived together. I was lucky mine did, not that it seemed to make much difference to my friends because many saw both parents despite being separated or divorced.

When I turned 12 my life changed, not because I was suddenly a teenager but because my mother had been diagnosed with terminal breast cancer.

Harsh as the situation was we tried to push through as a family.

Six months later my father left the family home.

He later said, “It was one of the worst times to leave”.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tough Love from Texas


Tough love from Texas

February 9, 2010Susan Pigg - LIVING REPORTER

When Richard Warshak whisked into Toronto last week from his native Texas, he brought along some tough-love advice for both divorcing parents and family court judges.

"Love your kids more than you hate your ex-spouse," the renowned expert on parental alienation said.

Be firm and fast at pushing toxic custody cases through the clogged courts, he advised judges attending a day-long seminar at the Four Seasons Hotel.

[continuted... ]

  • Runs a PAS deprogramming service called "Family Bridges".
  • Of the 23 kids he's personally helped reconnect with an alienated parent since 2005, 18 still maintain a relationship with both parents. Eight of those 23 children came from Canada.
  • This spring he's coming out with a new, self-help DVD (Welcome Back Pluto, which he hopes to sell on his website for $19.95 U.S.) for parents struggling to reconnect with kids who've been poisoned against them.
  • Warshak has been training two Ontario psychologists to run the program in Canada and says a third is due to join him soon.
  • "We find that most children under the age of 8 don't really need this kind of program to make the transition."