
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Steve Jobs - adopted but estranged

Steve Jobs passed away on Oct 6, 2011 from pancreatic cancer.  The Wall Street Journal revealed a part of his personal story that makes one wonder how it may have influenced his life.

Steve Jobs was placed for adoption soon after birth in 1955 by his birth-mother, Joanne Schieble who was a college student at the time but who's parents disapproved of her boyfriend.   Soon after graduating Ms. Schieble's father died and she was able to marry Job's birth-father, Abdulfattah 'John' Jandali.   Together they had his sister, Mona, but the relationship eventually ended in divorce.

Steve Jobs knew of his birth-father but the two did not meet until 1985 and had little contact except for a few birthday cards since.  Their estrangement was perhaps common of that era - but in some way this is the fear for Alienated Parents.  Yet however these events influenced Steve Job's life - if they did - it did not stop him becoming one of the  most important visionary's of our time.


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