
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wed Nov 2@7pm EST - PA Four Generations in a Row?

Every other week, join PAAO President - Jill EGIZII and her co-host, Judge Michele LOWRANCE for their show "Family Matters".  The show deals with many issues surround family breakdown - and in particular "Parental Alienation". The next show will be on Wednesday Nov 2at 7pm EST (5pm MST) in their bi-weekly Online Radio Call-In show "Family Matters".  

This week their guest is a Dad who has experienced PA - but realized he was also alienated from his Father.  Now he sees it occurring again in his own children's relationships - so the question is - will PA affect a 4th generation?   That is a scary idea.

Call-In your questions/comments to (347) 539-5024.

Check out "Family Matters" Radio on every other Wednesday night at 7pm EST.
Listen to it LiveStream online and call in your questions to (347) 539-5024. 
(Archive of each show is available online or as downloadable MP3 shortly after broadcast.)

Reminder - Nov 14 show will feature Bill HUDSON on "Parental Alienation - Hollywood Style".   Bill was  a former star and half of the "Hudson Brother" music group.  His was alienated from his young children Kate and Oliver Hudson by their mother Goldie HAWN and his book will be release before Xmas.

Help us help ourselves!*

Please consider "clicking" us to the top in this contest sponsored by Aviva Insurance.    All we need is to get more votes than anyone else.  Anyone can click once per day until Nov 9 and then the top3 will advance.

I know what you are thinking - but hey - what could be less effort than clicking?  I was skeptical when we did this grass-roots effort last year - BUT I didn't get one marketing email!  The insurer is legit and our need is great - so, please give us a hand - and perhaps we will all surprise ourselves.

Chris Jones
Team Leader - Edmonton
PAAO Treasurer + Board Member
(* apology to movie "Jerry Maguire". The proposal for funding was made by a PAAO Supporter in Mississauga ON who happens to be an Insurance Broker. She carries business for a number of Insurers including Aviva (formed from 2008 merger with Traders General Insurance and Scottish & York in Canada - re-branded from Norwich Union PLC in 2010).

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wed Oct 19@7pm EST - Live Interview of David GOLDMAN

In 2004, David GOLDMAN's wife told him she felt it was important for her to take their young son to Brazil so he could spend time with her family and friends and gain better appreciation of his shared heritage of Brazil and America.  Of course, David agreed - never thinking that it could be the last time he would hold his son in his arms for 4 years.  Thus began the journey into Parental Alienation of David GOLDMAN.

This case became an international "cause celebre" as David took his fight to the highest courts in 3 continents, eventually winning in 2008 the first Parental Abduction case under the International Convention of The Hague and regaining custody of his son.

It also created an tremendous uproar in the "Family Friendly" country of Brazil where his wife was shielded by local laws, customs and attitudes.  But in August 2010, the Brazilian Government  an amazing "about face" declared the first law to recognize and outlaw Parental Alienation.

"Family Matters" is co-hosted by Jill EGIZII - President of PAAO 
and Judge Michele LOWRANCE - a standing Family Court Judge in Chicago, IL and specializes in many of the issues surrounding Parental Alienation.

 Wed Nov 16 at 7pm EST (5pm MST)

"Bill HUDSON - Parental Alienation: Hollywood Style"

Remember what it was like before "second hand smoke" became socially unacceptable?    Whether it was in Hollywood, Vegas or Small-Town America - Parental Alienation was completely unknown decades ago when Bill HUDSON first experienced it.    Hear Bill's side of this riveting story that Hollywood insiders did not want to get in the middle of and how his circle of friends and acquaintances chose to support the more "marketable" of the spouses. 
It can happen to anyone.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

PA is real

Steve Jobs - adopted but estranged

Steve Jobs passed away on Oct 6, 2011 from pancreatic cancer.  The Wall Street Journal revealed a part of his personal story that makes one wonder how it may have influenced his life.

Steve Jobs was placed for adoption soon after birth in 1955 by his birth-mother, Joanne Schieble who was a college student at the time but who's parents disapproved of her boyfriend.   Soon after graduating Ms. Schieble's father died and she was able to marry Job's birth-father, Abdulfattah 'John' Jandali.   Together they had his sister, Mona, but the relationship eventually ended in divorce.

Steve Jobs knew of his birth-father but the two did not meet until 1985 and had little contact except for a few birthday cards since.  Their estrangement was perhaps common of that era - but in some way this is the fear for Alienated Parents.  Yet however these events influenced Steve Job's life - if they did - it did not stop him becoming one of the  most important visionary's of our time.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Federal Not-for-Profit Legislation comes into force Oct 17.

Much anticipated, new Legislation The Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act has been proclaimed in force effective October 17, 2011.  This is long overdue as it was first brought into force in 1917 (although there have obviously been revisions since).  Here are some more details.


Certainly it's tempting - but much of what we understand about PA seems to confirm that "severe" PA manifests with some degree of psychosis or mental illness.  That was the thrust of Dr. Craig Childress's PAAO Webinar on Aug 28 entitled "Working Effectively with the Mental Health Profession”.  The Webinar was well received with about 50 paid attendees and a core message was that traditional "voluntary" approaches to treatment are not useful when dealing with a personality disordered individual.  This demands a different method and Dr. Childress decribed his evaluation framework - including what he calls "Pathogenic Parenting" which evaluates "normal-range" parental conflict and what is overtly negative and damaging parental influence to a child.  Dr. Childress plans to hold more webinars in the next few months.

Coincidentally the September cover issue of Readers Digest was entitled "Are you a Psychopath?"  and it highlighted Canadian Psychologist  Dr. Robert HARE of UBC and his world-recognized Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R).  The core of this checklist are 10 characteristics that are markers of psychopathy.   Dr. Hare is also part of a support group for victims of psychopaths called Aftermath: Surviving Psychopathy and a prominent FAQ is entitled "Is it sociopathy or psychopathy?".  Again - it may not be a surprise to learn that Dr. HARE and his supporters are hoping to expand the current definitions of ASPD (Anti-Social Personality Disorder) within DSM-V.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

PARK Meeting Oct 18@630pm - Red Deer

In her spare time Rhonda Pisanello is affiliated with a PA Discussion Group.
And anyone is welcome to attend (but BYOC - Bring your own coffee).

Parental Alienation Risks Kids (PARK) 
will meet next Tuesday Oct 18 from 630 until 830pm.
Village Gate Parent Link Centre
Parkland Mall, (Gaetz Ave and 67st)
Red Deer, AB. 
North east corner of Mall across from SportChek.
For more info call Craig at 403-598-9978 or email

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

UK Child abducted by mother found in Montreal

The majority of abducted children in Canada and the US are Parental Abductions and I have felt for some time that these cases represent one of the extremes of PA.   It was reported today that a 7 yr old UK girl was found in Montreal after going missing in Dec 2008.  The father and daughter are on the way back to Britain while the mother has been detained and will be deported back to the UK as soon as possible.  All are British citizens. An alert gentlemen who felt the pair was acting oddly while in the Metro Station and notified police is credited with solving the case.

There are approximately 300-400 Parental Abductions in 1Canada every year.

1Source: Enfant Retour Quebec/Missing Child Network


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

PAAO 2011 Online AGM - Recap

The PAAO AGM was held online on Sunday Sept 18 at 3pm MST and almost 40 people attended via browser and an unknown number via the Conference Line (we are not quite sure how many called in - but there were alot - we estimated perhaps as many again.)  190 voted.

Jill Egizii and Barbra Mills were re-elected and out of a very competitive list of new candidates we welcomed new Board-members Wendy Archer and Pat Burton from Fort Worth/Dallas area, Texas; Daniel Holmes from near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Kristin Titus from near Toronto, Ontario.  Rather unfortunate that everyone could not make it - but it speaks to the level of interest that we had so many quality candidates.  I want to thank those who threw their "hats in the ring".

Jill gave a brief address about plans for the year ahead and then threw open the "floor" to questions.  And were there ever alot! (The Wordle image above was generated from many of the online comments.)

I want to thank everyone who attended what turned out to be a very promising AGM - and we look forward to the next year ahead.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Another "Family Matters" Weekly Radio/Internet Show

I feel I should mention that current PAAO President - Jill Egizii (image to left) - also co-hosts a weekly radio show in Chicago IL called  "Family Matters" (similar to recently mentioned new Canadian TV program).   It covers all of Family Law - but has a heavy emphasis on PA.

Jill ALWAYS has a fascinating line-up and has great help of remarkable co-host, Judge Michele Lowrance, who is a sitting Judge and brings her keen legal insights and common-sense questions to the program. (She is also author of  "The Good Karma Divorce")

With all programs archived online, it is easy to good back and "catch-up" - or signup for weekly podcasts.

All "Family Matters" radio programs - past and present - can be  accessed via

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Special Canadian TV Series on Family Law - "Family Matters"

This program has been in production all summer and well-known Alberta PA Advocate (and PAAO Board member) Rhonda Pisanello was interviewed for one segment.  Here is a brief clip on the program that taped in Victoria BC at CHEX-TV.

The complete season can be previewed at

Friday, September 2, 2011

Join us for the 2011 PAAO AGM - ONLINE!

Really - it's easy. Come-on - give it a try!
We look forward to your participation.
Here is a PDF of this poster in case you want to download and share.

Friday, August 19, 2011

PAAO Online Seminar - Dr. Craig Childress on Aug 28@8pm EST


This webinar can be booked at 

For more info about Dr. Childress please go to any of his: website, blogs (here, here and here) or his YouTube Channel.

Here is this poster.

Dr. Childress is an accredited clinical Psychologist and is overseen by the California Board of Psychology.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Family Matters - interview on "Good Karma Divorce"

Judge Lowrance was a child survivor of PAS - but also was a Family Lawyer and is now a Family Court Judge. She has written "The Good Karma Divorce" to help families of Divorce deal effectively with their issues. One her main points is that the courts are not equipped to fix problems as well as the parties involved.   But she finds many families who arrive at her court expect a better solution than they might find because they can no longer effectively communicate.  This can not happen and Lowrance makes the comparison between someone carefully sutures a wound and someone who repairs it with amputation.  The court is the amputation!  Lowrance suggests that each party in divorce carefully consider this before they engadge in court solutions and compose their own "Divorce Manifesto" in which they attempt to clearly describe how they visualize the outcome of their Divorce.  Among her points are 5 rules that she suggests must be accepted to avoid personal pain, disappointment and perpetual discord: 1) Things will change, 2) Relationships always end, 3) Life is not fair, 4) You will be betrayed by someone and 5) Life will not go according to your plan.  I recommend this book.

For more interview buy Jill Egizii on her weekly TV show "Family Matters" go here. In addition she hosts a weekly internet radio program - also available at the same site.

Friday, June 10, 2011

CBC Radio Interview: Parental Alienation

On May 16, Anna Maria Tremonti of CBC Radio's Morning Show "The Current" did a 24 minute segment on Parental Alienation - beginning with an interview of a severely alienated parent whose son committed suicide - Dash was 16 at the time - and his mother Pamela Richardson of Vancouver BC firmly believes was due to the damage from PA. (Here is link to her website that features the foundation she established in her sons memory  and her book - "A Kidnapped Mind").  [time 09:00] She also repeats clips from a previous interview with Dr. Rachel Klein of New York University Medical School who is a member of the committee considering including Parental Alienation in the American Psychological Association DSM-V (Diagnostic Statistics's Manual  - Version 5).   Then she discusses PA with Dr. Joe Goldberg who has arranged a number of Professional Symposiums on Parental Alienation - including one coming up  in Montreal on May 28-29, 2011.  He is a firm advocate of treating PA as a legitimate mental illness. [time 17:00] Finally, Tremonti speaks with Ms. Terry O'Neill who is President of the U.S based group, National Association of Women (NOW) who opposes the effort to include PA in the DSM-V primarily on the basis that it is mostly a plot by fathers to abuse their children.

I have archived a MP3 podcast of of the interview, here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Should parental alienation be a mental disorder?

Highlighting the upcoming CPAS Conference in Montreal, this article in the Globe&Mail asks the question we all want answered - Should parental alienation be a mental disorder?  Please comment on the article with experiences.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Calgary PAAD 2011

On Sat April 23, Suzanne, Adan and his friend created an info-table on PA at the Kingland Farmers Market at 7711 Macleod Trail South.  It was a different venue from last year - but (apparently) lots of curious people stopped by to enquire and engage in discussion.     Good work, everyone!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Red Deer PAAD 2011

Rhonda and PARK had a successful day - here was their group Event on Sat April 23, 2011

AM770CHQR has program called Talk Therapy every Saturday at 3pm.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Edmonton 2011 PAAD

On Sat April 23, we setup at the Old Strathcona Farmers Market. Thanks to Jim, Carla, Larry and Renata who showed-up to help at the display. It was a beautiful day and we had a good level of interest.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

2011 PAAD ALBERTA Events

Here are some of the Events we have planned for PAAD across Alberta.

on Sat April 23, 2011

Edmonton - 10am-2pm
Old Strathcona Farmers Market, 10310 83 Avenue
Like previous years we will have an info table set up with various reference materials and information about Parental Alienation.
We could use some volunteers to help staff the table and hand out the PAAO Brochure.
Contact: Chris Jones cell: 780-729-5570 email:

Red Deer - 12 noon - 3pm
Parkland Mall, 67st and 50th Ave
There will be an information table set up inside the mall with Panda Abuzz Mascot handing out Easter candy for kids and the Tree of Love.
Event is hosted by PARK (Parental Alienation Risks Kids).
Contact: Rhonda Pisanello res: 403-843-4929 email:

Calgary - 9am-5pm
Kingland Farmers Market, 7711 Macleod Trail South
Like last year we will have an info table setup with various resources and information about Parental Alienation
We need really volunteers to contact Suzanne in advance so she can schedule who does what.
Contact: Suzanne cel: 403-828-0251 email:

on Mon April 25 (officially PAAD)

Rutherford Show - Corus Radio Network - 10am
am630CHED in Edmonton + am770CHQR in Calgary
Dr. Marion Perpick-Breton, the host of Talk Therapy on 770 Am Calgary radio will discuss Parental Alienation.

Red Deer - 11am
Sobey's Eastview, 3849-40 Ave
Bubbles of Love BBQ
Sobey's has generously sponsored our Bubbles of Love Day BBQ Event with Panda Abuzz and face painting for the kids by Annie!
At NOON we will blow Bubbles of Love to symbolize the wonderful, yet fragile nature of the love we all cherish for our children.
Contact: Rhonda or Craig res: 403-843-4929 email:

Please pass this on to anyone you feel might be interested?
Chris Jones
Edmonton Team Leader
Alberta PAAO

Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Get ready for PA Awareness Day in Alberta - April 23/4

Reference to:
April 25, 2011 is (Officially) 6th Annual Global PA Awareness Day.
Start or find an Event in your Community and join us in raising awareness about PA.

As we have to work - Alberta PAAO will be organizing Information Events in Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer this year on  Sat/Sun April 23-24, 2011 (plus elsewhere if we can find enough motivated volunteers).

Please stay tuned for more details, or join our email list to be kept up to date.  If you want to Volunteer please complete this form.

Lecture with Dr. Richard Warshak in Calgary - Thurs Feb 24@7pm

Alberta PAAO is very pleased to be sponsoring a public lecture by world renown PA expert - Dr. Richard Warshak Ph.D - author of  "Divorce Poison: Protecting the Parent-Child Bond from a Vindictive Ex".   (More background about Dr. Warshak is available at his website.)

Dr. Warshak will make a 45 min presentation on "Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming Parental Alienation" and then be available for questions and discussions with the audience.

The event will take place at the Blackfoot Inn, 5940 Blackfoot Trail SE in Calgary at 7pm on Thursday Feb 24.  Tickets are available in advance (here) for $25pp ($30 at the door). Group discounts apply for online, in advance orders only.

To order click on on "Events" tab above, or just click here.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A message from Jill Egizii - President of PAAO

PAAO is bringing the issue of PA to the attention of legislators and legal professionals everywhere - but here is a message from Jill EGIZII - President of PAAO.

(FYI, PAAO conducted a telemarketing campaign this past week. If you wish to be removed from that list please notify HQ at - or let me know at