
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Canadian Bar Association opposes Bill C422

The Family Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association has just released their analysis and position on Bill C422. As expected they continue to oppose the suggestion of Equal Parenting. I suppose I should not be surprised that they will continue to line their own pockets, it is just disappointing that they do not the great harm they are promoting.

Here was the press release.

On the first anniversary of C-422 passing First Reading, The Canadian Bar Association( CBA) has made a
submission to the Justice and Human Rights Committee(JUST) regarding C-422(Equal Parenting) prepared by the Family Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association (CBA).
The CBA continues in its historical opposition to shared parenting as encapsulated in the following extract:
We oppose passage of Bill C-422. As lawyers with centuries of combined experience in family law and the operation of the Divorce Act, we believe the Bill would be a tremendous step backward in the development of family law. The Bill would represent a disservice both to children and families by:
  • taking the focus away from children in favour of parental rights
  • detracting from the individual justice required by the Divorce Act and,
  • promoting further and more fractious litigation.
Here is a link to that document.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Rubin vs Lippe PAS case grabs attention

This case in the US has caught national if not international attention from anyone concerned about PAS. The mother Lauren Lippe is facing losing custody and possible jail-time (although I would consider 6 weeks as nothing more than a slap on the wrist) for her PAS behaviour. There was shocking testimony that convinced the judge - except I find it mind-numbing (not to mention bank-account chilling) that it took 23 days of court appearances.