
Friday, April 24, 2009

Vellacott recognizes Parental Alienation Awareness Day

Hon. Maurice Vellacott MP (Saskatoon-Wanuskewin) maade the following announcement about Parental Alienation Awareness Day.

Vellacott recognizes Parental Alienation Awareness Day
April 25, 2009

OTTAWA - "Parental Alienation is a serious problem in Canada because too
many children do not benefit from the active involvement of both parents in
their lives," said Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott (Saskatoon-Wanuskewin),
speaking in recognition of Parental Alienation Awareness Day.April 25th is
Parental Alienation Awareness Day and much more awareness needs to take place
around the impact of parental alienation today.

Canada's high levels of divorce and non-traditional family arrangements often result in situations where children are no longer able to benefit from the consistent nurture and guidance and love of one of their parents. In most cases, though not all, it is the
father who is missing from the home. Canada's family law system often makes
matters worse, which is why I have been working on a Private Member's Bill that
would require Equal Shared Parenting to be treated as the presumptive approach
for resolving custodial arrangements among divorcing parents.A new study has
been released by Prof. Edward Kruk of the University of British Columbia using
Canadian data. His research confirms conclusions that have already been
well-established from much research around the world. Kruks' report notes that
90 percent of runaways grew up in father-absent homes, as did 71% of dropouts
and a majority of those identified as depressed, suicidal, addicted and pregnant
teens. "Barring cases of abuse and neglect, the best interests of the child
include the active involvement of both parents in their nurture and upbringing,"
said Vellacott.

A very important symposium on Parental Alienation took place in Toronto in March. I commend all those involved in organizing this successful and important event.

One of the many speakers at the symposium was Dr. Terence Campbell, Ph.D., a clinical and forensic psychologist. He said that all separations must begin with the premise that joint physical custody is better than sole custody.

Many of the speakers at the conference were women, including Dr. Marty McKay, also an advocate of equal parenting. She expressed distress at the way many professionals contribute to Parental Alienation among children in broken homes. She listed the whole spectrum of professionals involved in divorce and custodial situations: judges, lawyers, assessors, psychologists, mediators, child welfare agencies and domestic violence agencies."I wish every success to those involved in raising awareness of the trauma of parental alienation," said Vellacott. "I hope my Private Member's Bill will move Canada in a direction that reduces parental alienation and advances our country's support for the best interests of our children."

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For further comment, call (613) 992-1966 or (613) 297-2249

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