Here is Rhonda's account.
Just a few photos of our PAAD yesterday. Due to lousy weather we moved inside so as expected it was fairly quiet. We did get some hearts on our heart tree though - quite a few considering the size of the crowd.
A number of people had personal experiences with PAS and were relieved that there were resources available for them to network with others and encouraged us to keep on.
Anyway it was a good day for our first here in Rimbey with a visit from our local paper's editor and the RCMP.
The Balloon fairy did a wonderful job too. She kept us entertained. The cookie decorating kept adults and kids alike occupied too.
A sincere thank you to the following local agencies for participating and contributing to making the event a success. 1. Victim Services of Rimbey 2. The Parent Link Centre 3. Neighbourhood Place 4. FCSS
I couldn't have done this without them at all.
Bye for now, Rhonda