This is just a note to acknowledge what should be obvious over the past year.
I am no longer actively updating this blog.
However I will continue to maintain this blog as a Resource site (see new TAB on bar above).
All further participation on Parental Alienation issues will move to FaceBook and I invite you to Friend me there.
This reflects a couple of factors - evolving internet trends/resources, that I am moving on, involvement of other volunteers across the web and fact (I think) that awareness of Parental Alienation issues HAS improved since this journey began in 2006 (due to many combined efforts).
Of course PA still faces alot of challenges within the Family Law system - but I think they should be met with a different vehicle that this blog.
Thank-you for your past support, involvement and interest.
Sept 2014 - I have added a number of new links under the "Resources" tab (see above).