
Thursday, October 18, 2012

What are similarities between PA and Cults?

An Edmonton mom - Carla Brown - has been in the local/national press a bit over the past few months regarding an Edmonton organization - ESAMA (the Edmonton Society Against Mind Abuse).

She became involved with this group because of her experience with a cult in Northern Alberta.  Carla now helps families who's children are mesmerized into joining these cultic groups.   As quiet as it seems because we don't read about these things every day - her groups is active and she has a CableTV "deal" in the works.

By coincidence, I have encountered a cross-over between cults "psychological manipulation" and the damaging behaviour of Parental Alienation.  Dr. Amy Baker (before she was completed her book "Adult Children Of Parental Alienation Syndrome : Breaking the ties that bind") wrote an interesting academic article about how Parental Alienation was like "A Cult of Parenthood".