
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Family Matters - interview on "Good Karma Divorce"

Judge Lowrance was a child survivor of PAS - but also was a Family Lawyer and is now a Family Court Judge. She has written "The Good Karma Divorce" to help families of Divorce deal effectively with their issues. One her main points is that the courts are not equipped to fix problems as well as the parties involved.   But she finds many families who arrive at her court expect a better solution than they might find because they can no longer effectively communicate.  This can not happen and Lowrance makes the comparison between someone carefully sutures a wound and someone who repairs it with amputation.  The court is the amputation!  Lowrance suggests that each party in divorce carefully consider this before they engadge in court solutions and compose their own "Divorce Manifesto" in which they attempt to clearly describe how they visualize the outcome of their Divorce.  Among her points are 5 rules that she suggests must be accepted to avoid personal pain, disappointment and perpetual discord: 1) Things will change, 2) Relationships always end, 3) Life is not fair, 4) You will be betrayed by someone and 5) Life will not go according to your plan.  I recommend this book.

For more interview buy Jill Egizii on her weekly TV show "Family Matters" go here. In addition she hosts a weekly internet radio program - also available at the same site.

Friday, June 10, 2011

CBC Radio Interview: Parental Alienation

On May 16, Anna Maria Tremonti of CBC Radio's Morning Show "The Current" did a 24 minute segment on Parental Alienation - beginning with an interview of a severely alienated parent whose son committed suicide - Dash was 16 at the time - and his mother Pamela Richardson of Vancouver BC firmly believes was due to the damage from PA. (Here is link to her website that features the foundation she established in her sons memory  and her book - "A Kidnapped Mind").  [time 09:00] She also repeats clips from a previous interview with Dr. Rachel Klein of New York University Medical School who is a member of the committee considering including Parental Alienation in the American Psychological Association DSM-V (Diagnostic Statistics's Manual  - Version 5).   Then she discusses PA with Dr. Joe Goldberg who has arranged a number of Professional Symposiums on Parental Alienation - including one coming up  in Montreal on May 28-29, 2011.  He is a firm advocate of treating PA as a legitimate mental illness. [time 17:00] Finally, Tremonti speaks with Ms. Terry O'Neill who is President of the U.S based group, National Association of Women (NOW) who opposes the effort to include PA in the DSM-V primarily on the basis that it is mostly a plot by fathers to abuse their children.

I have archived a MP3 podcast of of the interview, here.