
Friday, August 29, 2008

Online PA Workshop - Overcoming Parental Alienation - What Works, What Doesn’t and Why

 thought I would pass on notice of this upcoming Online Workshop on 
"How to deal with PA" by noted PA authority Dr. J. Micheal BONE at 

It looks like a useful seminar and is quite reasonable at $45 for 3x3h 
online sessions. 

Here is the "blurb": 

            - Your children refuse to see you. They hang up on you 
when you call them on the phone. If your children do 
              talk  to you, their profanity-laced tirades shock and 
destroy you. In these cases do you want to: 

             - Attend a Court-ordered therapy program with your 
children that most likely will make your bad 
               situation  worse? 

              - Engage a therapist who believes that you are an 
abusive, controlling and dangerous parent – before 
                 you even walk through the office door? 

               - Have a therapist report to the Court that your 
relationship with your children has always been damaged? 

               - Work with a therapist who believes you have never 
been involved in your children’s lives – before 
                 ever talking to you? 

               - Work with a therapist who reports biased perceptions 
to the Court as objective fact? 

                - If you want nothing more than normal relationships 
with your children, you don’t want any part of 
                  these scenarios. Yet sadly, many loving parents find 
themselves in these situations. 

                 - If you’re one of these parents, this course could 
be of significant help to you and your attorney. 

Regards, crj

[transcribed from original Google Groups website on May 26, 2014]

Report on Edmonton F4J Rally - Aug 21, 2008

More like a Chorus than a Rally, it took place as planned between Noon 
and 1330h in Sir Winston Churchill Square opposite the CBC and Milner 
Branch/Downtown Central Library on Thursday Aug 21, 2008. 

F4J Canada Superhero's, Batman and Robin arrived in their purple 
Barneymobile and were the star distraction for the many 100's of 
people who passed through the square over their lunch break.   (It was 
a bit overcast and cool - unlike the humid week before - but I think 
that may actually have encouraged pedestrian traffic.)    The 
Barneymobile pumped out inspiring tunes while the Dynamic Duo struck 
impressive poses and generally behaved like Superhero's passing out 
purple F4J wristbands and literature explaining support for MP 
Vellacott's  PMM-483.   About 12 supporters of "Equal Parenting after 
Divorce" amendment passed out literature, held or wore signs  and 
engaged approximately 400-500 lunch hour pedestrians in the square 
about Family Law reform. 

Press coverage was disappointing and although CBC TV showed up and 
interviewed Melanie Greenfield - her comments never aired as the 
Beijing Olympic's preempted the regular TV News broadcast.  Metro ran 
a short piece that appeared in the Friday/Weekend Aug 22 issue but 
that was it. 

For photo's and additional details go to or

Monday, August 18, 2008

Father 4 Justice CANADA - Cross Canada Crusade to support MP Maurice Vellacott's Private Member Motion (PMM-483) for Equal Parenting after Divorce


You are all invited to this Edmonton Rally at Noon, Thursday Aug 21 at Sir Winston Churchill Square (in front of Edmonton City Hall - Downtown)

Dynamic Duo will be making an appearance!    This kind of ACTION is what many "Targeted Parents" have suggested to me in the past.

This Cross-Canada Crusade is to support MP Maurice Vellaott's Personal Members Motion (PMM-483) to enshrine the principal of "Equal Parenting" in the Federal Divorce Act.   A strong and visible SHOW OF SUPPORT WOULD MAKE GOOD PRESS AND PERHAPS GET POLITICIANS TO NOTICE?

I realize that it many not be everyone's "cup of tea" but in the spirit of MORE INFO IS BETTER THAN LESS, I am broadcasting to all.

Regards, crj

p.s detailed Press Release has other Cities/Towns TENTATIVE schedule

[transcribed from original Google Groups website on May 26, 2014]

Wednesday, August 13, 2008